Common Questions About Spiritual Life Coaching

Having a spiritual practice has been proven to help ground people for thousands of years. When we take time to check in with our body, we give ourselves the opportunity to find clarity. Silence and solitude are key components on this journey. It’s hard to access our inner wisdom when we are distracted.

What Is a Life Coach

A life coach is a wellness professional who helps guide people in making shifts in their lives in order to attain fulfillment. Life coaches aid their clients in improving their relationships with others, improving their careers, and finding more clarity around their daily life.

As a life coach I help clarify your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back, and then assist with ways for overcoming each obstacle. We like to target your unique skills and gifts by helping you to make the most of your strengths. Life coaches provide the support you need to achieve long-lasting change.

What Is The Difference Between a Life Coach & a Life Guide?

These terms are often used interchangeably, but there is a distinction between them. A coach provides guidance from life experience and specific training. These can be academic or spiritual in nature, but the focus of a coach is to provide advice for the seeker.

A guide, on the other hand, is someone who helps someone awaken or discover their own inner wisdom. I believe we all have some inner wisdom. Accessing it is the challenge — and the reason for having a guide to hold your hand as you navigate this new territory.

Why do people hire a Life Coach?

People will hire a life coach to gain something that they feel they are missing. Typically my clients come to me when they no longer know what to do in their life - there is a common theme of feeling lost in some way. I also have clients who come to me after experiencing material success but are feeling a lack of true fulfillment in their life. They have all the things they think they need, but they are wondering if there is something beyond this. Where do you derive your inner fulfillment?

What steps do you take because of COVID?

With virtual sessions this isn’t an issue, but if we meet in person I honor whatever protocols my clients request. Masks and some distance are a minimum requirement if we meet in person. Ideally, we take a walk out in nature so the exposure is minimal. If the weather doesn’t allow for this, then we can meet virtually.