Discovering Your Path

Each of us is the custodian of our own soul.  We are emissaries of the creative impulse of the Universe.  The Sacred Wheel provides a framework from which we can pull ancient wisdom.   The four cardinal directions and the corresponding developmental stages of life can be seen as a metaphor and utilized as a tool for awakening us to where we are on our life path and where we are destined to go.   Using the sacred wheel form as a template, I take you through a journey of soul maturation where we honor each stage of life as sacred.

Individuation is a lifelong process of growing into wholeness.  As we move from each stage of our life into the next, we discover the gifts that we were meant to provide for our community.  From childhood to adolescence to adulthood, and finally entering into the Grove of Elders, we see that the arc of our life requires that we do the work needed in each stage before moving into the next.  The true adult fulfills herself through the love embodied in her gift to the community.