Spiritual Life Coach for Stress & Anxiety

Most people suffer from some level of anxiety and stress — it’s just become a normal attribute of a society that is addicted to speed with an insatiable appetite for progress.  The common myth in America is: if things are not progressing then we are falling behind.  If we are not keeping busy then we are not being productive, and therefore are not worthy.  

When we can slow down and consider the elements in our life that are most important to us, we find that the simplest things can be quite rewarding and life-affirming.  The elements that are usually most important to us are non-tangible:  a spiritual path, intimacy with others, awe at nature’s grandeur, falling in love, savoring a moment with our child or grandchild. When we cultivate a practice of intention and mindfulness each moment becomes more precious.

Why is Managing Stress Important?

 Most people don’t like to feel stressed and try to avoid it.  Like with grief, stress is an emotion that is to be avoided according to our culture; but when we block our negative emotions it tends to also block our positive ones - like imagination and creativity.  If we don’t manage our stress it can take over our lives and lead to depression.   At the root of depression is usually the suppression of one of the innate elements of human nature that is not being met — namely the blockage of the wild, emotional, erotic, and fully embodied dimension of human wholeness. Rather than trying to fix it, depression requires full acknowledgment and honoring. We don’t usually need an intensive outpatient program or medication — we need to be able to fully express our emotion that has been suppressed, and have a safe container so we can release it. We need to feel seen and heard.

Most stress comes from a real or perceived expectation that isn’t being met.  Part of my job is to help uncover what is causing the stress, and then see if there is a root cause that can be addressed and hopefully resolved —at least partially if not entirely.  When I do deep soul work with people this tends to uncover what is causing the stress.  Then we have something to work with and the potential to move beyond it.

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