Dealing With Loss

Grief is a common ground that we all share together.  If we choose to love then we get to grieve.  Everything we love we will lose. But where do we go when we are full of sorrow and the darkness falls all around us?  How can we hold the truth of our pain with compassion?  How can we overcome the fear of falling into the great abyss of grief?

Grieving is a process. Let’s discover what’s holding you back from the process. Contact Me

Types Of Grief a Life Coach Can Help With

There are many types of reasons people grieve. The good news is that when we tend to this fertile ground of sorrow it produces more joy in our life and an opportunity for transformative healing.  Here are some types of grief a Life Coach can help with:

  • Communal Grief

  • Ancestral Grief

  • Personal Grief

    Sorrows of the world

  • Aggravated Grief

  • Grief From A Death

What Happens When You Ignore The Grieving Process?

Undigested grief tends to suppress other emotions.  In fact, ventilating our emotions allows our Soul to breathe again — especially in the case of grief.  When grief can’t channel through the necessary paths and be released, the process can either take longer to overcome, or the quality of life can significantly decrease.

Recovering is Possible

We have plenty of places to celebrate joyful things in our life, but very few safe places to express our deepest sorrows.  By creating rituals around this critical emotion, we give it space to move and transform it into something useful in our life.   Ritual is the most ancient way of binding people together in a close relationship with Spirit.

I have found that the more I am able to express my grief the more room I have for joy in my life.   Movement seems to be a key element in working with grief.  I can offer many different ways of moving this deep well of emotion when you are ready to sit with the truth of your pain and the truth of your beauty.

“Embrace your grief -- for there is where your soul will grow."  Carl Jung

The Thread

A Poem by ~  William Stafford

There’s a thread you follow. It goes among
things that change. But it doesn’t change.
People wonder about what you are pursuing.
You have to explain about the thread.
But it is hard for others to see.
While you hold it you can’t get lost.
Tragedies happen; people get hurt
or die; and you suffer and get old.
Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding.
You don’t ever let go of the thread.